Andi Barker

Apr 8, 20222 min

My Personal Story

My personal story behind offering

Seasons of Change Membership

In 2014 an astrologer 😃 read my natal and current charts.

At the time I was running my gardening business🧚‍♀️ and training in advanced EFT.

One thing, I remember him saying was

' You are going to offer something on the global stage, which will have a life changing impact to those who sign up.

It will seem ahead of its time even though you will be using some ancient methods and knowledge."

When I stopped to think🤔 about this I was overwhelmed.

I had only just joined fb, with no idea that I would be using it as a global stage in the coming years. 🧚‍♀️

How was me posting pretty pictures of gardens🌹 I was working in, going to impact people globally?

But the seed🌱 had been sown.

Fast forward 5 years and I had created 🌻 Energy 🌷Healing🌼 Flowers modality

and was encouraged to write a course to teach others how to use it.

But, life happened and I needed to spend much time on me. 😵

On a very low day, I just sat on my grass and played with daisies🌼 and buttercups.

I watched birds, bees🐝, butterflies 🦋and insects 🐞going about their business.

I watched the sun 🌞go down and the moon rise.

No idea how much time passed.

I felt at home here, surrounded by all the colours🌈 sights and 🐦sounds of Mother Nature.

My inner child felt content and free.🧚

No judgement ✔
No gossip✔
No politics✔
No social media✔
No restrictions ✔
No demands✔
No deadlines✔
No controls✔
No negativity✔

Before I knew it, I was reconnecting with nature, and nurturing me 🌿back to full health one day at a time. 🥰

Plus, invaluable weekly support 🤗 from my tapping partners.

I can, and do use EFT on myself, but not as objectively as I can with them.

Now, I feel so blessed 🙏to realise how deep my connection is with nature🌷 and the gifts to facilitate healing 🙌 for myself and for you too. 🙏

🌷Enjoy each day
🌷Deal with each task as it arises
🌷Achieve goals
🌷Put me first
🌷Say no with ease
🌷More time for me
🌷More confident
🌷Strong Self Care
🌷Stronger boundaries
🌷Love who I am
🌷Abundant life
🌷Healthier relationships
🌷Happier & joyful
🌷Content inner child
🌷Celebrating me

So here I am now, offering this transformational membership,🦋 embracing the ebb and flow of natures rhythms, on a global stage. 🥰

So it may take time from the seed being sown🌱 to growing strong, supported and becoming blooming. marvellous 🌳 but then it's where I'm growing.

Let's grow together. 🤗

Andi Barker. 8/4/22